Can I customize my order ?

Absolutely! Our Special Request Team ( SRT ) is a group of designers, manufacturers and customer relationship managers that help you get exactly what you want. Whether you'd like a custom product, a size we do not have in stock or a custom finish, size or shape, feel free to contact our SRT by messaging our live chat. Some examples of things we do are: 

  • Custom Products
  • Custom Sizing  
  • Custom paint finishes
  • Custom patterns, mesh and materials

What makes S2N products different? 

Each one of our products is meticulously hand crafted by our precise and passionate craftsman. We use premium U.S steel and top-tier powder coating paint which is 6x thicker that regular spray paint to ensure they not only look stunning but also withstand elements such as rain, snow and heat. These rigorous standards allow us to deliver products you can trust, use and relay on for years to come

Do you offer a warranty ?

We believe in our products, that's why they are backed by a 1 year manufactures warranty to ensure your products are free from defects and withstand even the harshest conditions.

Where is my order coming from?

    All orders are received, manufactured and fulfilled from Los Angeles, California.

    Do I have to pay tax on my order ?

    We know taxes are annoying so we try our HARDEST to keep our prices as low as we can. Given this, we Do Not charge tax in 49 U.S States, including its territories. We also Do Not charge tax on International orders everywhere we ship!

    Can I change, cancel or modify an order after I place it ?

    Of course you may! Just please send us a message on our live chat so that we can modify your order to your specifications. For cancellations we ask you to message us within 30 minutes via live chat.

    Do you ever lower prices?

    We do NOT lower prices. Because we manufacture everything in-house, we do not go through any middle-men or resellers that add markups, we pass those savings on to our customers & price all of our items fairly relative to their craftsmanship.

    How long does shipping take ?

    Once we receive your order, our team will being crafting your order. Since your order will be made from scratch, please allow 5-14 days for your order to be delivered however we do have quicker options available at checkout. 

    What's your production timeline?

     Design Plans (0-1 Days) ➔  Creating & Welding Frame (1-2 Days) ➔ Coating & Drying (1-2 Days) ➔ Inspection & Final Touches (0-1 Days) Packing,Shipping & Delivery (1-5 Days) 

    Do You Ship Internationally?

    We do ship internationally & typically take 1-2 weeks to be delivered to you depending on the country & territory and shipping class

    Duty and shipping: Most international orders are subject to customs duty and tax regulations specified by the designated country and are the sole responsibility of the customer. You may contact your local customs office for details.

    What is shipping insurance and am I required to insure my order?

    Although we offer to insure your package for $1, no, we do not require you to insure your package. However for orders $30+, we highly recommend you do as shipping carriers sometimes lose, mishandle, or delay packages, especially during the busy holiday season. By insuring your package, you ensure that no matter what happens to your package (stolen, damaged, lost) you will receive a new replacement. 


    We are proud to be a partner to over 25+ brands, retailers and distributors. No matter how big or small, we would love to collaborate with you. Some perks we offer are free shipping, complementary package insurance, tax exemptions, heavy discounts and curated tips and consulting. Whether it be items we have in stock or designs you want to bring to life. We want to be that key partner you need to take you to that next step. For wholesale inquiries, please contact our live-chat or send us an email. Upon receiving your email, someone will be in touch within 24-48 hours.

    Do you offer free returns?

    Because all items are custom made to your specs, we are unable to offer returns, however if there is something about your order or item you'd like to change, modify or it simply did not fit, please feel free to email us and our team is more than happy to work with you to find an amicable solution.

    Caring Instructions 

    1. Regular Cleaning:

    • Dust & dirt may accumulate on the surface over time. Clean your trellis regularly using a soft cloth or sponge and mild soapy water.
    • Please avoid using abrasive cleaners, harsh chemicals, or abrasive scrubbers, as they can damage the powder coating.

    2. Gentle Scrubbing:

    • For tougher dirt or stains, you can gently scrub the trellis with a soft-bristle brush or sponge. Be careful not to scratch the powder coating.
    • Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue from the soap.

    3. Avoid Pressure Washing:

    • While powder coated surfaces are generally durable, avoid using high-pressure washers as they can chip or peel the coating. Stick to gentle hand washing methods.

    4. Rust Prevention:

    • Powder coating provides good protection against rust, but scratches or chips in the coating can expose the metal to moisture. Promptly touch up any damaged areas with matching paint to prevent rust from spreading.

    5. Touch-Ups:

    • Keep a touch-up paint specifically designed for powder coated surfaces on hand. If you notice any small scratches or chips, touch up those areas to maintain the coating's integrity.

    6. Inspect Regularly:

    • Perform routine visual inspections of your trellis. Look for signs of chipping, peeling, or rust. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

    7. Protective Covers:

    • If your trellis is located in an area with harsh weather conditions, consider using a protective cover during extreme weather, such as winter. This will help extend the life of the powder coating.

    8. Vine and Plant Growth:

    • If your trellis supports climbing plants, regularly trim them to prevent excessive growth that could damage the trellis or obstruct the view.

    9. Seasonal Maintenance:

    • Perform a more thorough cleaning and inspection at the beginning and end of each outdoor season. This will help identify any issues that may have developed over time.

    By following these caring instructions, you can enjoy the beauty and functionality of your powder coated metal trellis for many years. Remember that regular maintenance is key to preserving its appearance and structural integrity.

    For any other questions, please give us a call at 1(323) 790-2637 or send us an email at info@s2nindustries.com